There are many types of communication and people come across each type daily. People experience verbal communication when having conversations. When listening to the radio or a podcast people experience audio communication. While people watch Television, music videos or Ad’s they are experiencing visual communication. These types of communications allow many people to receive the same message at the same time. When receiving this information the audience is able to respond back in either of these communication types, thus creating a conversation including thousands of people over multiple communication channels. This is what effective communication does. It relays information and starts conversation within its audience.
To have effective visual communication there are some necessary tools that need to be used. One must have repetition in the concept, colors or images that stand out and a clear or distinct message that the audience would be able to understand. With these tools the visual communication will be more memorable and more effective. Having a memorable and effective visual communication will improve business. Having this will reach multiple audiences and increase the company's population. Social media is huge in today's society so effective visual communication is huge. The more memorable the visual communication is, the more people will talk about it, and the more popular the brand or company will become.
A form of visual communication are logos. Many companies create logos to differentiate themselves from their competitors, and to simplify branding. A memorable logo has strong visual communication. The Paramount Studios logo is a popular logo in the movie industry. Throughout the years the logo has changed but has kept its concept. The Majestic Mountains and ring of stars surrounding the mountain is a logo everyone knows.
The band Kiss has a strong visual communication with their logo as well. They are known for their face paint and loud stage outfit. Their logo emphasizes their look and brand. The logo has a combination of dark and bright colors, catching the attention of viewers. The font of the logo is rugged and what some might call hard. It's visually appealing and relates to the brand the band is portraying. Kiss was able to use effective visual communication. Christian Dior is a luxury brand that many people know. If you don't know the exact name you might know the logo. The big CD or Dior on their clothing and accessories stand out to the audience. Due to their high quality and high class consumers they are able to use this simple 2 letter logo to brand themselves. The CD stands for the name of the brand C stands for Christian and the D stands for Dior. The placement of the letters in the logo creates a D,D symbol. The brand is often called Dior for sort so this symbol can be reiterating this name. Using this logo makes it unique and memorable.
To have effective visual communication it doesn't take much. As long as the visual communication is something that is unique and will stand out, it will be effective. This goes the same for all types of communication. Having a clear theme and being able to grab the attention of the audience will create effective communication.